
澳洲华人青年精英汇(ACYEC)将举办2018 Love Should Not Hurt慈善晚宴

2018年7月10日 | 编辑: |

澳洲华人青年精英汇(ACYEC)于2018年7月9日于华埠八乐居召开新闻发布会,宣布将于2018年7月20日于悉尼希尔顿酒店举办2018 Love Should Not Hurt慈善晚宴。

ACYEC创办人兼主席魏征(Leo Wei)表示,澳洲华人青年精英汇作为新成立的非营利组织,主要目的是为了更好的服务社区,促进民族和文化的融合,推广慈善活动,全方位支持弱势群体。

本次晚宴请到了白丝带澳洲White Ribbon Australia 作为善款收益方和协办单位。白丝带澳洲是一家非营利慈善机构,致力于预防和反家庭暴力及为家暴受害者提供咨询和帮助。

晚宴的目的是提高公众对于反家暴的认知,尤其是在澳洲华人社区中提高意识,帮助遭遇家暴折磨的妇女儿童们。预计将有 500 多名社会名流、政治家、媒体和社会各界人士出席晚宴,并通过参与,表达对反家暴的支持和对受害者的慷慨与关怀。

在新闻发布会上发言的除了魏征太平绅士, 还有白丝带澳洲的代表Delia Donovan,新州前上议院议员何沈慧霞阁下,澳华论坛(新州)主席周明栋AO,佐治河市议员Christina Wu,以及本次活动的策划和管理公司Red Productions的负责人何彦君。

想参与和支持本次慈善活动的朋友,可致电:02 8084 6606,或电邮:info@acyec.org。

Leo’s speech:

Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning!

My name is Leo Wei. As the chairperson of ACYEC, I would like to thank you all for coming today, especially our sponsors, media partners and Red production, our event management company.

Without your outstanding support to 2018 Love Should Not Hurt Charity Gala Dinner, we would not have such great achievement today.

I would also like to acknowledge our VIP guests coming today.

Ms. Delia Donovan, Senior Executive for community engagement and development from White Ribbon

Ms. Rebecca Grant, Community Fundraising Manager from White Ribbon

The Hon. Dr. Helen Sham-Ho, former MLC of NSW Parliament

Mr. Benjamin Chow, AO, President of Sydney University Nerve Research Founda-tion and President of Chinese Australian Forum of NSW

Ms. Christina Wu, Councilor of Georges River Council

Mr. Steven Chu Commonwealth Bank Australia Asian business banking NSW state manager, also our major sponsor

Ms Felicia Hon and Ms. Nicole He from Red Productions, our event manage-ment and production team

And of course our Media partners

The Australian, SBS, TVB, Netease News,Sydney Today,Austoday, Australian New Express, Australian Chinese Daily,Sing Tao Daily, First Media Australia, Yeeyi Australia, WeSydney,Sydney Impression,Australia Auto Weekly

ACYEC, the Australian Chinese Youth Elite Club, is a non-for-profit organi-zation, founded on 18 Jan 2018.

With more than 60% of this nation’spopulation were originally from overseas, Australia is the biggest multi-cultural country in the world.

Since our entire club members have settled in this country over a decade and en-joyed the humanity and freedom of this nation, we would love devote ourselves to serve the community.

By founding ACYEC, we aim at promoting national and cultural integration and popularizing variers of charities in means of supporting vulnerable groups through multiple channels.

As mentioned before, we invite White Ribbon Australia as the benefi-ciary organization and co-host for this gala dinner event.

Rebecca from WRA and our members have had countless phone calls, meetings and arrangements over the past 3 months.

We are very excited and honored to host this event together, therefore we can raise the public awareness, especially in the Australia-Chinese community, as to sup-port migrants, especially women and children, who are facing and struggling with family violence.

We together could create a better Home better Australia. (感人、口号、缓慢、煽情)

For this particular event on 20 July, we are expecting more than 500 friends, celebrities, politicians and partners who would like to express their humanity and generosity by coming to the gala dinner.

I would like to sincerely thank all our guests for your support.

Big thank you to all our sponsors for your generosity and care for the vulnera-ble groups.

I would like to thank my team, Susie Lin, Kevin Liu and 朱昱.

And now please allow me to say a few words in Chinese.


我叫 Leo Wei,澳洲华人青年精英汇主席。



作为世界上最大的多元化移民国家,澳大利亚居民中 60%以上源于海外背景。

在享受了十几年澳大利亚社会的人性主义和自由生活, 并取得了一点成就后,我们的会员们都希望为这个社会奉献一点绵薄之力。



本次晚宴,ACYEC 非常荣幸的请到了白丝带澳洲 作为善款收益方和协办单位。在过去的三个月里我们所有的成员、活动公关公司以及白丝带的员工们进行了数不清的电话、会议和努力以保障本次活动能以高规格、高水准的形式呈现在大众面前。

希望通过我们的努力能提高公众对于反家暴的认知,尤其是在澳洲华人社区中提高意识, 帮助遭遇家暴折磨的妇女儿童们。

本次活动,我们预计将有 500 多名社会名流、政治家、媒体和社会各界人士参与,并通过参与,表达大家对反家暴的支持和对受害者的慷慨与关怀。





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